Aug 7, 2013

How to access VMFS Datastore on Windows

May you need to access VMFS datastore for some reasons. Here is the quick guide which let you do the task.
1. Make sure java is installed
2. Download VMFS driver:
3. Unzip the file, for example C:\vmfs
4. Test fvmfs.jar by running these commands in cmd as administrator:
cd \vmfs 
java -jar fvmfs.jar
5. Connect the external drive to your computer and check its disk number in Windows Disk Management. Disk 1 will be named \\.\PhysicalDrive1 in vmfs

6. Make sure you can access the drive: java -jar fvmfs.jar  \\.\PhysicalDrive1 info
7. Share using webdav: java -jar fvmfs.jar \\.\PhysicalDrive1 webdav
8. Make sure the webclient service is running
9. Mount the drive: net use * http://localhost:50080/vmfs
10. The drive is mounted as below. The content on this drive is read-only.

Author : Lâm Viết Thảo // 1:55 PM


  1. Hi, this post does not work for me. Can someone email me, i'm desperate to recover a vm recently deleted.

  2. Sorry, this doesn't work for me either. Can you advise me by mail,

  3. PLease note that the driver has not evolved in th"e past 5 years ! it is obsolete and cannot access latest VMFS partitions. Bug reports are posted but without replies. Better consider it dead.

  4. This method support if VMFS3 datastore only


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